I’ve been reading Red Land, Black Land by Barbara Mertz. It’s an engagingly written, enjoyable read. Talking about the scribes and other officials, she said: “One of the significant aspects of Egyptian life which is brought out by the Hekanakhte letters is the combination in one man of functions which we would consider incompatible, or…
Author: helmsin2
Graven Images- Icons and Statues in a Kemetic Shrine
I am taking a while getting my shrine set up. For one thing, I have picked up on the idea that if you decide to replace something in your shrine you have to do something to de-commission the old item. So I’m trying to pick a set of “nice” things that I won’t mind using…
Kemetic Spirituality
On Following the Sun we were talking about the spirituality of ancient Egypt: Do the people of Kemet separate spirituality from anything, even entertainment? Unfortunately, unless someone makes some really interesting “finds”, we may not have much evidence either way. I would think that anything “unclean” didn’t have a place in the inner area of…