A succinct explanation of “Why Polytheism” from a Hindu perspective, from Epified.
Category: Ancient Life
Ancient Egyptian Daybook- Follow-up / The Wild Hunt interview.
Stacy Lawless interviews the Rev. Tamara Siuda about the Ancient Egyptian Daybook project in Anatomy of a Successful Pagan Kickstarter Campaign.
The Egyptian Gods and You! ( Kemetic Roundtable #03 )
For the third question for the Kemetic Roundtable: The Egyptian Gods and You! Do I need a main deity to practice Kemeticism? No, I don’t think you do. However, many people want to find a main deity for several reasons. For one, it’s a default position for monotheistic religions. There’s one Big Guy, and that’s…
Signal Boost — The Ancient Egyptian Daybook Project
… from Warboar: Signal Boost — The Ancient Egyptian Daybook Project – Word has since gotten around about Tamara L. Siuda’s Ancient Egyptian Daybook Project, and although the initial fundraising goal has been surpassed by a little over $5,000 USD, it still needs support from donors in order to fund extended goals — one of which…
Preparing for Ritual / Ritual Purity ( Kemetic-Roundtable #01 )
How do you prepare for doing a ritual? What is “ritual purity“? To understand it, we need to understand W’ab. What is W’ab? “W’ab” is a term that is translated as “pure” or “clean.” ( If I understand correctly, the ‘ simply means the “a” has an “ah” sound, so it rhymes with “Bob” or…
Monolatry, Syncretisicm, and the Theology of Booze.
How separate are the Netjeru? Do they all come from one source? Are they all just reflections of the One? What’s the difference between Monolatry and Henotheism? What about the whole Amun-Ra / Ra-Horakhty / Mut-Aset-Nekhbet Syncretic thing? These are questions that give Kemetics headaches! Conceptions of God in Ancient Egypt by Erik Hornung is…
Link: Kemetic Priesthood: Then and Now
My friend Devo has written a summary of how the ancient Kemetic priesthood operated, and some comparison on how priesthood is handled now, on The Twisted Rope blog: Kemetic Priesthood: Then and Now. She’ll do a post later with her ideas on it, and I plan to do a response here as well. What do you,…
Link: Religio Romana
Here’s an interesting blog post on Pantheos, summarizing Religio Romana. It’s interesting to see the similarities and differences with Kemeticsim.
The Frog Goddess #2 (Pagan Blog Project #10b)
In part 1, I shared some photos of the Heqet statue in the Cleveland Museum of art. Now we’ll talk about some of her aspects. One of Heqet’s associations is with fertility, probably because of the large number of eggs frogs lay. She’s associated with childbirth, and hastening childbirth, and is identified with midwives. She…
Bes Update
As an update to Bes, the Little God. (Pagan Blog Project 2012 #3), I noticed that the Kalamazoo Valley Museum has this Bes standard. Presumably it would have been mounted on a pole and carried in procession.