Tabauamunet’s ‘B’ entry for the Pagan Blog Project, Being Kemetic Ain’t Easy. She shares the basics of Kemetic Orthodoxy, and some mishaps that probably didn’t seem funny at the time. Her last paragraph sums things up pretty well.
Category: Pagan Blog Project 2012
Bathtime! (Pagan Blog Project 2012 #4)
Wash before doing a ritual. In fact, do a ritual for washing! That’s the usual Kemetic practice. Before giving some specifics, let’s take a look at the reasoning behind it. Ritual is something that follows a pattern, and it’s done on a regular or semi-regular basis. Perhaps you have a ritual for turning on your…
Bes, the Little God. (Pagan Blog Project 2012 #3)
Bes, the God of Protection My friends Satsekhem and Shefytbast have already written ‘B’ posts on Bes, but he certainly deserves one more. Check them out if you haven’t read them yet. A Bes statue… Bes was one of the most popular gods in ancient Egypt. It seems like his image was in every home,…
Animal-Headed Deities (Pagan Blog Project 2012 #2)
“… you dog-faced Egyptian swathed in linens, who are you my excellent fellow? How do you claim to be a god, you with your barking? And what’s the meaning of this spotted bull from Memphis being worshiped, giving oracles and having prophets? For I’m ashamed to mention the ibises, apes, goats, and other creatures much…
A is for Atum (Pagan Blog Project #1)
There are many creation myths from Ancient Egypt. The interesting thing is that ‘competing’ ones seem to have coexisted quite well. Ptah created everything. The goddess Mut did as well. So did Atum. There’s a nice little comic by Temwa on that subject. It’s wonderful, because right from the start it short-circuits any attempt to be literal…