“In our religion we have a great goddess that we call on for health, and for protection against plague. Her name is Sekhmet, the Powerful Woman. As the Eye of Ra She can destroy, and in this case She can destroy the seeds of illness. I invite you to join me in adding a prayer…
Tag: Sekhmet
Moomas Link: And there were stars: How a time out turned into the nighttime sky
Moomas Link: And there were stars: How a time out turned into the nighttime sky A timely article on The Establishment of the Celestial Cow, by Rev. Tamara Siuda. Check it out!
Kemetic Storytellers, Episode #01
Wouldn’t it be great if there was a group of people who’d produce “radio dramas” of ancient Egyptian stories, and new ones set in Kemet? Well, there is! Here’s Episode #01 featuring Beauty and the Beak, and Bring the Flood. Both modern re-tellings of the story of the Celestial Cow. Related articles The True Meaning…
The True Meaning of Moomas
I’ve been writing about Jackal’s Eve, the fictional Kemetic holiday in which Wepwawet and Yinepu deliver gifts on the Night Before Moomas. Moomas is, of course, based on “The Establishment of the Celestial Cow,” which was a relatively unimportant holiday in ancient Egypt. The Rev. Siuda has written a blog entry about Moomas, which she…
Link: Mistakes with Sekhmet!
My friend Veggiewolf posted To Err is (Human) Divine on her Fluid Morality blog, talking about mistakes she’s made, including ones with Sekhmet. I was lucky. I jumped straight into Kemeticism without flailing around too much with other things. A friend helped me get started, so I benefited from all her research and understanding. I also tend to…
Animal-Headed Deities (Pagan Blog Project 2012 #2)
“… you dog-faced Egyptian swathed in linens, who are you my excellent fellow? How do you claim to be a god, you with your barking? And what’s the meaning of this spotted bull from Memphis being worshiped, giving oracles and having prophets? For I’m ashamed to mention the ibises, apes, goats, and other creatures much…
The Beaky One, he’s not just the Lord of Wisdom anymore…
I’m talking about Djehuty, of course. “The Beaky One” is really one of his epithets! In the past, I was never that interested in him. I could never figure out how to pronounce the name “Thoth”. Does it rhyme with “Goth”, is the final ‘h’ silent? ‘Tote”? “Toth”? Then there’s the bird head thing. He’s…
Recon Recap: Sekhmet Destroying Humanity
Someone on the HoN board was contemplating Sekhmet’s near-destruction of humanity, and wondering if she was being especially nice these days to make up for it. Several people responded, saying that Sekhmet was not evil, she was doing her job at the behest of Ra, etc. My two deben: I think the stories can work…