Yinepu is Coming to Town!
Oh… you better not cause
the children to cry.
You better not steal,
I’m tellin’ you why:
Yinepu is coming to town!
He’s adjusting the scales,
with a feather of Ma’at,
He’s gonna find out
if your heart’s good or not.
Yinepu is coming to town!
He’s Master of the Secrets,
He’s Keeper of the Gate.
He’s Lord of the Necropolis,
So be good for Nebt-Het‘s sake!
Don’t stir up strife,
you better not lie,
don’t violate tombs,
I’m tellin’ you why:
Yinepu is coming to town.
Little khepesh,
ushabti that walk,
floating toy barques,
and jackals that talk.
Yinepu is coming to town.
Little menats
that rattle and shake,
Hethert mirrors,
and iron heka snakes.
Yinepu is coming to town.
The kids in Girl and Boy Land have
a jubilee right now.
They’re making Moomas offerings to
Mehet-Weret the Celestial Cow!
Oh… You better not plunder
offering cakes.
You better not mess with
balance scale weights:
Yinepu is comin’
Yinepu is comin’
Yinepu is comin’
To town!
More Moomas fun with “Santa Claus is Coming to Town!” parody. The “you better not’s” are all taken from the negative confessions from the Book of the Dead (Book of Going Forth by Day), and some of Yinepu’s epithets are worked in too. Enjoy!