A popular quick reference for the Netjeru (Kemetic Gods and Goddesses) is the wikipedia page for the Egyptian pantheon. But what if you want to go further? Your Gratuitous Moment of Shrine Goddesses and Gods of the Ancient Egyptians: A Theological Encyclopedia, from the Henadology blog, is one of the best online resources I’ve found. Whether…
Category: Links
Link: Hail to You, My Living Ka
the Ka Many articles that mention the Ka present it as an amorphous soul-thing. But it doesn’t really do anything for us, does it? As it’s usually presented, the Ba is what’s really “you”- your memories, your identity. So who needs a Ka, anyway? Hail To You, My Living Ka: Ka Theology 101 is an…
Kemetic Interfaith Network, can it really work?
Many of you will have already seen this, but if not… A New Year’s Gift for Kemet and Her People Will the new Kemetic Interfaith Network forum realize its purpose? I hope so! I’ve often felt like I’m in Life of Bryan, in which groups that have almost the same goals see each other as…
To "Pagan" or not to "Pagan": That is the Question.
An interesting blog entry: Kna’ani: Impressions of Tess Dawson, a Canaanite Polytheist. I wonder if the various polytheist / reconstructionist religions should perhaps build on overall identity, instead of identifying ourselves as Pagans. I especially notice this issue on The Cauldron. Their Reformed Kemeticism SIG is a great resource, but you can tell on the…
The Syncreticism of the Gods
The issue of syncretic deities is one of the difficult concepts to understand in Kemeticism. This article covers some interesting points, and makes distinctions between it and other ways that deities can combine. The link was mentioned by Amuntihera, on Following the Sun.