Only subtle differences in the layout, but the ritual was quite different. Since this was a critical day, I decided to adapt the Djehuty ritual from Reidy’s Eternal Egypt. This was quite a jump from the simpler rituals I’ve been doing. The Christian equivalent might be going from “Now I lay me down to sleep” to performing Bach’s b-minor mass!
New arrangement for the oil lamps, and dragonfly plates. |
The empty set of dragonfly plates in the back held natron and water that I used during the ritual. The arrangement of lamps around the incense burner was… less than successful. They encircled the burner with a fiery wall, making it rather difficult to place and adjust the incense sticks! Fire burns (and so does my hand!) and incense shines. I also added a guinea feather as a durable offering/stand-in for an icon. I also added beans to the sandwich, to create a link to the desired destination.
Yes, those flower petals are burned! |
With the length of the ritual and the proximity of the lamps to the peonies, some of the petals actually burned!