I’ve been writing about Jackal’s Eve, the fictional Kemetic holiday in which Wepwawet and Yinepu deliver gifts on the Night Before Moomas. Moomas is, of course, based on “The Establishment of the Celestial Cow,” which was a relatively unimportant holiday in ancient Egypt. The Rev. Siuda has written a blog entry about Moomas, which she…
Tag: Anubis
Anpu, Inepu, Yinepu
Yinepu Is Coming to Town! Moomas fun!
Yinepu is Coming to Town! Oh… you better not cause the children to cry. You better not steal, I’m tellin’ you why: Yinepu is coming to town! He’s adjusting the scales, with a feather of Ma’at, He’s gonna find out if your heart’s good or not. Yinepu is coming to town!
Kemetic Meme #2 – Moo-mass.
This year, the holiday of “The Establishment of the Celestial Cow” falls on December 25th in the Kemetic Orthodox calendar. It’s been dubbed “Moo-mas,” and it gives members an excuse to use up some of their time off to plan get-togethers and send each other cards. Mehet-Weret is the specific name for the Celestial Cow. Then Wepwawet…
Animal-Headed Deities (Pagan Blog Project 2012 #2)
“… you dog-faced Egyptian swathed in linens, who are you my excellent fellow? How do you claim to be a god, you with your barking? And what’s the meaning of this spotted bull from Memphis being worshiped, giving oracles and having prophets? For I’m ashamed to mention the ibises, apes, goats, and other creatures much…
Link: "They ate supper before they said Grace!" (Southern Fried Pagan)
Southern Fried Pagan: “They ate supper before they said Grace!” An interesting “How do you start out in Egyptian religion?” answer by Rev. Sonya Miller. She’s Tameran/Wiccan, but this applies equally to recon paths. I agree with her that “The Book of the Dead,” especially the old Budge translation is NOT the way to begin. …
Link: Per-Sabu: House of Jackals
Wepwawet While I’m on the subject of resource links, if you have an interest in the Jackal Deities, Per-Sabu is a treasure of information. Check it out! It’s just been started recently, so more information is still being added. I’ve never known if Inepu, Yinepu, or Anpu was the right name for Anubis. Now I…