My friend Sarduriur wrote a beautiful Prayer to Heqet for Healing on her blog, Shadows of the Sun. I forgot to mention in my #2 Heqet post that the hieroglyph for 100,000 is a tadpole. It furtherĀ reinforcesĀ the “teeming with life” theme. Related articles The Frog Goddess #1 (Pagan Blog Project #10a) ( The Frog Goddess…
Tag: Heqet
The Frog Goddess #2 (Pagan Blog Project #10b)
In part 1, I shared some photos of the Heqet statue in the Cleveland Museum of art. Now we’ll talk about some of her aspects. One of Heqet’s associations is with fertility, probably because of the large number of eggs frogs lay. She’s associated with childbirth, and hastening childbirth, and is identified with midwives. She…
The Frog Goddess #1 (Pagan Blog Project #10a)
If you’re visiting Cleveland, Ohio, the Cleveland Museum of Art has a nice Ancient Egyptian collection. One of the notable items is this statue of Heqet, reputed to be the largest in the world. She towers a full 15 cm in height. Made of Egyptian travertine marble, the sculptor used a natural vein in the…