Wouldn’t it be great if there was a group of people who’d produce “radio dramas” of ancient Egyptian stories, and new ones set in Kemet? Well, there is! Here’s Episode #01 featuring Beauty and the Beak, and Bring the Flood. Both modern re-tellings of the story of the Celestial Cow. Related articles The True Meaning…
Tag: Hethert
Link: Modern Mythology: Santa Min (NSFW)
In discussions of modern Kemetic mythology, Moomas, and Jackal’s Eve, the legend of Santa Min was born. Devo has created a post about him, with a special altar. As she says, “This post may not be safe for those under 18. Some images are NSFW.” (Not Suitable For Work), so keep that in mind. thetwistedrope:…
The True Meaning of Moomas
I’ve been writing about Jackal’s Eve, the fictional Kemetic holiday in which Wepwawet and Yinepu deliver gifts on the Night Before Moomas. Moomas is, of course, based on “The Establishment of the Celestial Cow,” which was a relatively unimportant holiday in ancient Egypt. The Rev. Siuda has written a blog entry about Moomas, which she…
Djehutymose- Kelsey Museum of Archaeology
The Kelsey Museum of Archaeology is located on the University of Michigan campus, Ann Arbor, MI. and it’s well-worth a visit if you’re in the area. The Coffin of Djehutymose is one of the exhibits. He was a priest of Heru and Hethert at Edfu, lived during the Saite period, and died around 600 BCE….
Cow Deities in Ancient Egypt? (Pagan Blog Project 2012 #6)
auf deutsch: Kuhgestaltige Gottheiten in Ägypten (übersetzt von Sati) Cow deities. What in the world were those ancient Egyptians thinking? “Cow” doesn’t have many positive associations for us today: fat, ungainly, clumsy. “Bovine” means stupid, dull, inert, stolid, and sluggish. “Bull” can have positive masculine associations, but also means destructive and angry. “Bull in a china…
Bes, the Little God. (Pagan Blog Project 2012 #3)
Bes, the God of Protection My friends Satsekhem and Shefytbast have already written ‘B’ posts on Bes, but he certainly deserves one more. Check them out if you haven’t read them yet. A Bes statue… Bes was one of the most popular gods in ancient Egypt. It seems like his image was in every home,…
Animal-Headed Deities (Pagan Blog Project 2012 #2)
“… you dog-faced Egyptian swathed in linens, who are you my excellent fellow? How do you claim to be a god, you with your barking? And what’s the meaning of this spotted bull from Memphis being worshiped, giving oracles and having prophets? For I’m ashamed to mention the ibises, apes, goats, and other creatures much…
The Beaky One, he’s not just the Lord of Wisdom anymore…
I’m talking about Djehuty, of course. “The Beaky One” is really one of his epithets! In the past, I was never that interested in him. I could never figure out how to pronounce the name “Thoth”. Does it rhyme with “Goth”, is the final ‘h’ silent? ‘Tote”? “Toth”? Then there’s the bird head thing. He’s…
Kemetic Orthodox Dua- Beautiful Reunion
On June 22nd, the Kemetic Orthodox group celebrated the Feast of the Beautiful Reunion. In the original festival, the statue of Hethert took a 100-mile, four-day boat journey from Dendera to Edfu, to be reunited with Heru-Behdety. Descriptions of the historic processions are here and here. Beautiful Reunion Dua Music is one of Hethert’s spheres,…