Heru and Sutekh I often get the idea that people don’t understand Balance, and the roles of Heru (Horus) and Sutekh (Set). One of the reasons is undoubtedly that due to the Christian influence on Western civilization we tend to see things in Good/Bad polarities. It’s interesting that most of us can wrap our minds…
Tag: Ma’at
Ma’at 0.1
I’ve been thinking of doing some posts about Ma’at. Ma’at But that’s a bit further down the road. However, I thought I’d pass along a couple things I have said recently on some of the Kemetic forums. …Well, as long as you’re still metabolizing, it’s never too late to start living in Ma’at. I also…
The Beaky One, he’s not just the Lord of Wisdom anymore…
I’m talking about Djehuty, of course. “The Beaky One” is really one of his epithets! In the past, I was never that interested in him. I could never figure out how to pronounce the name “Thoth”. Does it rhyme with “Goth”, is the final ‘h’ silent? ‘Tote”? “Toth”? Then there’s the bird head thing. He’s…
The Bribes Continue!
Yet another Wepwawet / Dhehuty offering in support of a friend. I promise I’ll get off the shrine eye-candy and back to more substantive topics soon. Though it is fun to show off! Peonies from the garden. Wonderfully fragrant! Is the bud for Zep Tepi? You can see the incense rising above the flowers. The…