It’s not easy to find, but this is the FAQ from the eCauldron Kemetic Special Interest Group. It might help with answering someone else’s questions. Or yours. Would you answer any of these questions differently? How?
Category: Theology
A is for Atum (Pagan Blog Project #1)
There are many creation myths from Ancient Egypt. The interesting thing is that ‘competing’ ones seem to have coexisted quite well. Ptah created everything. The goddess Mut did as well. So did Atum. There’s a nice little comic by Temwa on that subject. It’s wonderful, because right from the start it short-circuits any attempt to be literal…
Link: Faith
Faith: Something you do, or something you’re ambushed by? A post by Raheriwesir, a w’ab prist of Wesir in Kemetic Orthodoxy: Faith. I’ve been working on a post about ‘godchatter,’ and this is a good pre-introduction to it. Faith is something you do, not something you have. It is something that constantly needs to be…
Link: Osiris, the Living God
Nehetankh’s perspective on Ausir, in her blog Osiris, the Living God. I think she’s right on this. Can Ausir be more dead than the Akhu?
Link: Wesir Mysteries
Here’s the start of an interesting series of reflections on the Wesir (Osiris) Mysteries: Day one:Day two:Day three:Day four:Day five:
Book ‘o the Dead 1.0
Send in the next defendant! Make it a bad one, Ammit missed lunch. “The Book of the Dead!” All right, we know it’s really the “Book of Coming Forth By Day,” but BoTD has such a delicious gothy feel to it. It’s usually the only Egyptian book you can find in bookstores, and people get…
Geb and Nut- and "I am Shu!"
Geb and Nut.. and Shu, Ra, Ma’at, Duat, and Heka One of the striking things about Kemetic rituals is that it’s common to declare yourself as one of the netjeru. It’s difficult for us to wrap our minds around that and to actually say it. “I am Sekhmet!” “I am Djehuty!” Somehow you expect a…
Kemetic Interfaith Network- Checking Back
Gratuitous Shrine Pic Back in July, I did an initial look at the Kemetic Interfaith Network forum. How’s it been doing? Surprisingly well! At the moment, there are 154 registered users on it, and 2,728 posts. The Kemetic world is a small one, so if you’re active on some of the other forums, you’ll recognize…
Set Theory 1.1
The Land Divided I’ve been reading H. Te Velde’s Seth, God of Confusion. It’s excellent, and is probably the major study of Set at this point. There’s a point in the Contendings in which Geb tries to make peace by giving them different parts of the world. Here’s a quote from p. 63: A…
Link: Why do you worship Set? (Warboar)
For those who can’t get enough of Sutekh- here’s an excellent summary with a mix of historical and personal.