I’ve been thinking of doing some posts about Ma’at. Ma’at But that’s a bit further down the road. However, I thought I’d pass along a couple things I have said recently on some of the Kemetic forums. …Well, as long as you’re still metabolizing, it’s never too late to start living in Ma’at. I also…
Link: Per-Sabu: House of Jackals
Wepwawet While I’m on the subject of resource links, if you have an interest in the Jackal Deities, Per-Sabu is a treasure of information. Check it out! It’s just been started recently, so more information is still being added. I’ve never known if Inepu, Yinepu, or Anpu was the right name for Anubis. Now I…
Link: Goddesses and Gods of the Ancient Egyptians- Henadology
A popular quick reference for the Netjeru (Kemetic Gods and Goddesses) is the wikipedia page for the Egyptian pantheon. But what if you want to go further? Your Gratuitous Moment of Shrine Goddesses and Gods of the Ancient Egyptians: A Theological Encyclopedia, from the Henadology blog, is one of the best online resources I’ve found. Whether…
Link: Hail to You, My Living Ka
the Ka Many articles that mention the Ka present it as an amorphous soul-thing. But it doesn’t really do anything for us, does it? As it’s usually presented, the Ba is what’s really “you”- your memories, your identity. So who needs a Ka, anyway? Hail To You, My Living Ka: Ka Theology 101 is an…
The Beaky One, he’s not just the Lord of Wisdom anymore…
I’m talking about Djehuty, of course. “The Beaky One” is really one of his epithets! In the past, I was never that interested in him. I could never figure out how to pronounce the name “Thoth”. Does it rhyme with “Goth”, is the final ‘h’ silent? ‘Tote”? “Toth”? Then there’s the bird head thing. He’s…
Neenee and em hotep!
Kemetic Reconnaissance just hit 1,500 pageviews. I’m very happy with that- it’s a pretty specialized subject, and my first post was in February of this year. Here’s the run-down: Hits by country. The big surprise was Brazil. Bem-vindo, meus amigos, feliz ano novo! (Thank the NTR for Google Translate.) There is a growing group of…
Kemetic Interfaith Network, can it really work?
Many of you will have already seen this, but if not… A New Year’s Gift for Kemet and Her People Will the new Kemetic Interfaith Network forum realize its purpose? I hope so! I’ve often felt like I’m in Life of Bryan, in which groups that have almost the same goals see each other as…
Kemetic Orthodox – Aset Luminous Dua
Aset Luminous! This is the Kemetic Orthodox holiday that is based on the Edfu calendar festival of “Aset the Bright.” This particular one took place on the evening of July 6. I hadn’t had any interaction with Aset, especially since she has a bit of a “reputation” amongst people who aren’t devotees. But I’ve decided…
To "Pagan" or not to "Pagan": That is the Question.
An interesting blog entry: Kna’ani: Impressions of Tess Dawson, a Canaanite Polytheist. I wonder if the various polytheist / reconstructionist religions should perhaps build on overall identity, instead of identifying ourselves as Pagans. I especially notice this issue on The Cauldron. Their Reformed Kemeticism SIG is a great resource, but you can tell on the…
Kemetic Orthodox Dua- Beautiful Reunion
On June 22nd, the Kemetic Orthodox group celebrated the Feast of the Beautiful Reunion. In the original festival, the statue of Hethert took a 100-mile, four-day boat journey from Dendera to Edfu, to be reunited with Heru-Behdety. Descriptions of the historic processions are here and here. Beautiful Reunion Dua Music is one of Hethert’s spheres,…