Wash before doing a ritual. In fact, do a ritual for washing! That’s the usual Kemetic practice. Before giving some specifics, let’s take a look at the reasoning behind it. Ritual is something that follows a pattern, and it’s done on a regular or semi-regular basis. Perhaps you have a ritual for turning on your…
Category: Modern Practice
Link – Amazing Offering idea!
In ancient Egypt, there was a well-established principle that a replica of something could be a magical stand-in for the real item. Tombs contained miniature houses and boats. Even servants- the ushabti, of course. In temples, the same principle applied. Menu lists of offerings, magically activated, could substitute for real ones if necessary. Important symbolic…
Link: Kemetic Starter Guide
Are you interested in Kemeticism, but don’t know how to begin? The Kemetic Starter Guideis an excellent overview! What would you suggest to a beginner? Are there things you wish you had known when you were starting out?
Link: Missing Link: When Ancestors Don’t Match Your Religion?
An interesting blog post by Tess Dawson, Canaanaite Polytheist. Missing Link: When Ancestors Don’t Match Your Religion. This is an issue for almost all Kemetics. How do you approach it?
Geb and Nut- and "I am Shu!"
Geb and Nut.. and Shu, Ra, Ma’at, Duat, and Heka One of the striking things about Kemetic rituals is that it’s common to declare yourself as one of the netjeru. It’s difficult for us to wrap our minds around that and to actually say it. “I am Sekhmet!” “I am Djehuty!” Somehow you expect a…
Kemetic Interfaith Network- Checking Back
Gratuitous Shrine Pic Back in July, I did an initial look at the Kemetic Interfaith Network forum. How’s it been doing? Surprisingly well! At the moment, there are 154 registered users on it, and 2,728 posts. The Kemetic world is a small one, so if you’re active on some of the other forums, you’ll recognize…
DIY Ausir Mystery – the Bast side-project # 2
The Ausir Misteries – The exciting Bast conclusion! You might remember from the last entry that we made an Osiris Bed, with lush green wheat grass. The miracle of life from “dead” wheat grain. Now it’s time to offer it! On the offering table. Another view… Close-up And after the ritual.. These your divine offerings…
DIY Ausir Mystery – the Bast side-project # 1
The Ausir Mysteries – Bast Side Project Begins! Remember a few posts ago, when I had deliberately made a few more sprouts? What happened to them? A shallow pot, and some potting soil. I had a spare bonsai pot sitting around, but you could use anything that will hold an inch or two of soil….
DIY Ausir Mystery (Bast too!) Part 6
Ausir Mysteries – The Final Chapter? The Offering Bread is Baked! At last! Here’s the loaf. The top sunk a tiny bit, an indication that there was too much liquid, but at least it didn’t collapse. That’s a common problem when you’re adding ingredients with a liquid component. It might have helped if I had…
DIY Ausir Mystery (Bast too!) Part 5
Ausir Mysteries – Sometimes You Need Some Dough! Again, the jar is full of sprouts. You can see the green grassy leaves. We take a few. I’m going to take a few of the sprouts to put in a whole wheat bread. You don’t want to use too many, or it will throw off the…